The Trans-Pecos of West Texas

I spent a considerable amount of time exploring the Trans-Pecos region of Texas during my early adulthood. In high school friends and I would often camp out and hike in Big Bend Nation Park. As an under-grad my geology field camp was in the Marathon Basin and Davis Mountians. My graduate geology field camp was in the Terlingua and Marathon Basin areas as well as other locations. Research for my master's thesis involved trips to the Solitario, the Bofecillos and Santiago Mountains and the Persimmon Gap area. My work as a geologist with Texaco took me into the Sierra Vieja and the Hueco Mountains. At other times I was able to visit the Sierra Diablos, the Guadalupes, the Rosillos, the Mariscals, the Franklins, the Christmas Mountains and the Sierra del Caballo Muerto Mountains as well as the Black Gap Area. The Trans-Pecos is big, wild and ruggedly beautiful. If you ever get the chance to visit there you should go and see it.

Click on the mountian range names below on the map to visit their descriptions at the "Handbook of Texas"

Texas Handbook Online
Trans-Pecos Mountain Ranges
Big Bend National Park - West Texas

Welcome to the Heart of Texas: Big Bend!
Big Bend National Park
GORP - Big Bend National Park
Big Bend Ranch State Park
Big Bend NP Home Page
Texas Landmarks & Vanished Communities